We prioritize Sustainable investing to meet new opportunities which will be at the forefront of tomorrow’s economy across the board, with a particular focus in decarbonizing shipping where we see opportunities in retrofitting existing vessels with fuel conversions and efficiency upgrades, integrating advanced technologies into new builds, and adopting cleaner fuels and digital solutions, to reduce, minimize and eliminate carbon emissions, through various techniques and elements to implement, meet, and exceed IMO’s target to reduce green house emissions by 50% by 2050.

Investing in sustainable shipping presents a significant opportunity as the global economy continues to grow, driving an increasing demand for vessels.

Shipping is the cornerstone of international trade, handling roughly 90% of the world’s goods by volume.

However, it also contributes about 2-3% of global CO2 emissions, making it a major player in the fight against climate change.

Reducing CO2 emissions is essential for decarbonizing the sector and achieving a more sustainable future,
especially given the industry's vital role in global trade and logistics.

It is essential that vessels evolve into the next generation of sustainable, non-polluting ships to meet the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) targets for emission reductions.

We are fully committed to investing in sustainable shipping, with a focus on both financial returns and environmental protection.

Our approach includes minimizing and ultimately eliminating carbon emissions through the retrofitting of existing vessels
and the construction of new, green vessels powered by energy-efficient technologies.